Свободное общение | VK design
I remember a moment in 2016 when I was disappointed because VK changed its design. It was hard for me to accept this change. In the 2020s, it changed its appearance several times: at first, the site became almost completely white, the appearance of the profile and groups changed. After quite a long time, I went to VK and was blown away by the VK designers - nothing separates posts in VK anymore, that is, there can be 3 posts with text, and stupidly in 1 row. And the interesting thing is that there is a line between posts and comments... VK, did they hire intern designers???

That's what I'm talking about.
VK has been a complete piece of crap for about 10 years now, although it has always been one. And using it is a complete zashkware.
Вы там смешно делаете вид что вы все на английском пишите))
Гугл переводчик не всегда правильно работает я вам скажу
Гугл переводчик не всегда правильно работает я вам скажу
Не будем мешать ребятам продолжать жизненный тормозной путь)) с возрастом появляется мудрость и переоценка, если конечно имбицылизм не генетический
It would be nice to completely rewrite the Bymas interface into English to filter out the most stupid people, like the commenter above.
